Terms & Conditions

ArtsRevive reserves the right to decline a submission for any reason.

Neither ArtsRevive nor its officers, nor any receiving or leasing agent will be liable for loss or damage to any work of art submitted to this exhibition. Insurance, if desired for shipping, exhibition or any other reason, is the responsibility of the individual artist.

Images of selected work may be used for publicity.

By submitting work to this exhibition the artist agrees to the conditions set forth on this entry form.

Upon submission to Roots and Wings the artist agrees to the following
the above liability clause and to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth in the prospectus of ArtsRevive.
2.) the artist gives permission for photographs of my work to be used by ArtsRevive for publicity purposes only. I understand that I will be given credit for this artwork and that ArtsRevive will receive no financial benefit from the use of this photograph.

This call has agreed to ArtCall.org Terms & Conditions